Programs to Play WAV file

/*Programs to Play WAV file*/

#include "ALLOC.H"

#include "DOS.H"
#include "CONIO.H"
#include "STDIO.H"

void main()
char *name;
Enter the file name...:");



void playwav(char wavefile[14],float delaytime);
struct WaveData {
unsigned int SoundLength, Frequency;
char *Sample;

struct HeaderType {
long RIFF; //RIFF header
char NI1 [18]; //not important

unsigned int Channels; //channels 1 = mono; 2 = stereo
long Frequency; //sample frequency
char NI2 [6]; //not important
char BitRes; //bit resolution 8/16 bit
char NI3 [12]; //not important
} Header;

struct WaveData Voice; //Pointer to wave file

unsigned int Base; //Sound Blaster base address

char WaveFile [25]; //File name for the wave file to be

/ Checks to see if a Sound Blaster exists at a given address, returns
true if Sound Blaster found, false if not.
int ResetDSP(unsigned int Test)
//Reset the DSP
outportb (Test + 0x6, 1);
outportb (Test + 0x6, 0);
//Check if (reset was succesfull
if ((inportb(Test + 0xE) & 0x80 == 0x80) && (inportb(Test + 0xA) ==
//DSP was found
Base = Test;
return (1);
//No DSP was found
return (0);

/ Send a byte to the DSP (Digital Signal Processor) on the Sound
void WriteDSP(unsigned char Value)
//Wait for the DSP to be ready to accept data
while ((inportb(Base + 0xC) & 0x80) == 0x80);
//Send byte

outportb (Base + 0xC, Value);

/ Plays a part of the memory/

void PlayBack (struct WaveData *Wave)
long LinearAddress;
unsigned int Page, OffSet;
unsigned char TimeConstant;

TimeConstant = (65536 - (256000000 / Wave->Frequency)) >> 8;
WriteDSP(0x40); //DSP-command 40h - Set sample
WriteDSP(TimeConstant); //Write time constant

//Convert pointer to linear address
LinearAddress = FP_SEG (Wave->Sample);
LinearAddress = (LinearAddress <<>Sample);
Page = LinearAddress >> 16; //Calculate page
OffSet = LinearAddress & 0xFFFF; //Calculate offset in the page
Note - this procedure only works with DMA channel 1
outportb (0x0A, 5); //Mask DMA channel 1
outportb (0x0C, 0); //Clear byte pointer
outportb (0x0B, 0x49); //Set mode
The mode consists of the following:
0x49 = binary 01 00 10 01
| | | |
| | | +- DMA channel 01
| | +---- Read operation (the DSP reads from
| +------- Single cycle mode
+---------- Block mode

outportb (0x02, OffSet & 0x100); //Write the offset to the DMA
outportb (0x02, OffSet >> 8);

outportb (0x83, Page); //Write the page to the DMA

outportb (0x03, Wave->SoundLength & 0x100);
outportb (0x03, Wave->SoundLength >> 8);

outportb (0x0A, 1); //Unmask DMA channel

WriteDSP(0x14); // DSP-command 14h - Single cycle
WriteDSP(Wave->SoundLength & 0xFF);
WriteDSP(Wave->SoundLength >> 8);

/ Loads a wave file into memory.
This procedure expects a _very_ standard wave header.
It doesn't perform much error checking.
int LoadVoice (struct WaveData *Voice, char *FileName)

//If it can't be opened...
WAVFile = fopen(FileName, "rb");
if (WAVFile == NULL) {
//..display error message

return (0);

//Return length of file for sound length minus 48 bytes for .WAV
fseek(WAVFile, 0L, SEEK_END);
Voice->SoundLength = ftell (WAVFile) - 48;
fseek(WAVFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);

//Check RIFF header
if (Voice->SoundLength > 32000) {

if (Voice->SoundLength > 64000) {

Voice->SoundLength = 64000;
Voice->Sample = (char *)malloc(Voice->SoundLength); //Assign memory
if (!Voice->Sample) {

return (0);

//Load the sample data
fread(&Header, 46, 1, WAVFile);

//Check RIFF header
if (Header.RIFF != 0x46464952) {
printf ("Not a wave file
return (0);

//Check channels
if (Header.Channels != 1) {
printf ("Not a mono wave file
return (0);

//Check bit resolution
if (Header.BitRes != 8) {
printf ("Not an 8-bit wave file
return (0);

Voice->Frequency = Header.Frequency;

//Load the sample data
fread(Voice->Sample, Voice->SoundLength + 2, 1, WAVFile);

fclose (WAVFile); //Close the file

return (1);

void playwav (char wavefile[14], float delaytime )
if (ResetDSP (0x220)) {
//at 220h
printf ("");
} else {
if (ResetDSP (0x240)) {

//at 240h
printf ("");
} else {
//or none at all
printf ("");

//Load wave file
if (LoadVoice (&Voice, wavefile)) {

//Start playback
PlayBack (&Voice);


//Stops DMA-transfer
WriteDSP (0xD0);

Related Links :


  1. which player v ned 2 have 2 run this code?
    input should be filename.wav or jst the filename?

  2. Hear No Need of player just give the file Path...


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History Of C..

In the beginning was Charles Babbage and his Analytical Engine, a machine
he built in 1822 that could be programmed to carry out different computations.
Move forward more than 100 years, where the U.S. government in
1942 used concepts from Babbage’s engine to create the ENIAC, the first
modern computer.
Meanwhile, over at the AT&T Bell Labs, in 1972 Dennis Ritchie was working
with two languages: B (for Bell) and BCPL (Basic Combined Programming
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My 1st Program...

void main ()
clrscr ();
printf ("\n\n\n\n");
printf ("\t\t\t*******Pankaj *******\n");
printf ("\t\t\t********************************\n");
printf ("\t\t\t\"Life is Good...\"\n");
printf ("\t\t\t********************************");
getch ();

Next Step...


void main ()
clrscr ();
printf ("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");
printf ("\t\t\t --------------------------- \n\n");

printf ("\t\t\t | IGCT, Info Computers, INDIA | \n\n");
printf ("\t\t\t --------------------------- ");

getch ();

